Q: What time is check-in and check-out ?
A: Check-in is anytime after noon on day of arrival. Check-out time is 4pm.
Q: What are the sleeping accommodations in each bedroom?
A: There are 3 bedrooms. Main floor bedroom #1 has 3 twin beds. Main floor bedroom #2 has a full-size bed. 2nd floor bedroom has 2 twin beds. Each bedroom has an alarm clock. There is one full bathroom on the main floor.
Q: Do I need to bring bedding and towels?
A: Bedding and towels are provided. Beds are made with clean, 550 ct sheets, a down comforter and pillow. Guests may wish to bring a blanket. Each guest will be provided one bath, hand and wash cloth.
Q: Can I reserve Croixwood Farm for something other than scrapbooking?
A: Absolutely! Although the house is designed with scrapbookers in mind any crafting or small group is welcome to come and enjoy the farm and peaceful countryside.
Q: How much space is there for each person to work?
A: There are 6 workstations. Each station has a 2.5′ x 6′ table, Ott table lamp, comfortable, ergonomic adjustable office chair and waste basket. The craft area has an ironing board, an AM/FM radio, CD player. There is a 42″ flat-screen ROKU TV, DVD player, computer and wireless printer.
Q: What is included in the kitchen?
A: We have a large country kitchen fully equipped with everything you need to prepare your meals. There is a stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker, toaster and blender, crock pot and electric griddle. Provided for your convenience are dishes, silverware, glasses, mugs, cooking utensils, bowls. There is a starter supply of paper towels, napkins, foil, plastic wrap. To cut down on dishes, you may want to bring your own paper products.
Q: Is there a phone? Wireless internet?
A: There is no land line telephone, you will need to bring your cell phone. There is High-speed wireless DSL internet.